by Blair Wadman

Namespaces? Symfony? YAML? Controllers? Routes? Annotations? So much to learn!

You sit down to craft your first Drupal 8 module and everywhere you look there is a new PHP/OOP concept to master. People are telling you to learn Symfony, get a book on objected oriented PHP and figure out namespaces, YAML, controllers and routes before you have even written your first line of Drupal 8 module code. Everywhere you turn there is something new to learn. That’s enough to make a person feel buried.

“I'm dreading switching from Drupal 7"

You search through the documentation and read one blog post after another to get started on creating your first Drupal 8 module. You are not sure if you are learning the right things, in the right order or what to do next. You soon realise that Drupal 8 is a huge remake of how Drupal works under the hood.

“But… now I’m being forced to transition and OOP is making me question if I can really hack it as a Drupal developer"

New skills are essential for your career but you’ve got deadlines to meet so don’t have time to burn. You don’t have time to waste searching for answers. You feel you are significantly reducing your potential as a Drupal developer if you can’t figure it out.

It would be great for your career if you could create custom Drupal 8 modules. But there is so much to learn first.

"Your way of teaching how to write things in PHP but the Drupal way is exactly my missing piece of the puzzle"

What if you didn’t have to master object oriented programming, Symfony components and the myriad of new tools before you even start? Imagine if you knew precisely how to create your first Drupal 8 custom module, step by step and could ship it by this time next week. And how great would it be if you picked up the essential new PHP concepts while creating it, rather than having to learn them all before.

It’s true that there are lot of new concepts in Drupal 8, but that doesn’t have to stop you.

Create your first Drupal 8 module by next week with my 7 day program

Learn to create your first Drupal 8 module with my 7 day programme. You’ll go from being overwhelmed and not knowing where to turn, to creating your first Drupal 8 module. You will get the practical hands-on Drupal 8 development experience you need and will come away with a solid foundation that can be further built on.

"I am very glad I purchased Conquer D8. Experience and your book, were very helpful in giving me the knowledge I needed to pass the Acquia Certified Developer test for Drupal 8. Anyone who wants to learn about Drupal's new way of doing things in an easy-to-understand manner needs this book."

Eric J. Gruber

Conquer Drupal 8 Module Development

You'll get:

  • The 7 day programme: In a 191 page PDF
  • Bonus guides: 3 bonus guides
  • The code: All the source code to refer to
  • Kindle version (.mobi file format)
  • Free updates: For life
  • 100% money back guarantee

Order for $29

The bundle

You'll get:

  • Conquer Drupal 8 Module Development (as above)
  • Master Drupal 7 Module Development (complete package)
  • The code: All the source code to refer to
  • Free updates: For life
  • 100% money back guarantee
  • Save 30% off buying them separately

Order for $47.60

Your Guide, Blair Wadman

Blair Wadman

I am a Drupal developer and strategist for world-leading brands and author of Master Drupal 7 Module Development. I've leveraged the power of Drupal over the last 10 years, for clients such as NBC Universal, Bauer Publishing, Dennis Publishing and Haymarket Media Group.

The Curriculum

Day 1: Introduction and Module Setup

You will be introduced to the fundamental Drupal 8 concepts required to develop custom modules, setup the new custom Drupal 8 module and programmatically create a custom page.

Learn: Routes, Namespaces, Controllers, YAML

Day 2: Drupal 8 Menu System

Learn how to add links to the Drupal 8 menu system, make the message dynamic and set different permission levels.

Learn: Drupal 8 Menu system, YAML, Access control

Day 3: Hooks in Drupal 8 and building an admin interface

Learn how to use the hook system to display a welcome message when a user logs in. You will then learn how to add the user's name to the message. Finally, you will learn how to display the message in a custom block.

Learn: Hooks in Drupal 8, service containers, blocks, interfaces

Day 4: Drupal 8 Custom Blocks

Learn how to display a message in a custom block and how to make the message in the block configurable so that you, or someone else, can change it in an admin form. While creating a configurable block is a relatively simple concept at a high level, it does touch on a lot of new concepts in Drupal 8 including Plugins and Annotations.

Learn: Plugins, extending classes, interfaces, annotations, abstract classes, tokens

Day 5: Drupal 8 Services and Dependency Injection

Create a standalone PHP class called a service that will generate a random message. You will then inject that service into the messages constructor.

Learn: Services, service containers, dependency injection, constructor methods

Day 6: Events in Drupal 8

Build a special kind of service, an event. Events are the Drupal 8 object oriented replacement for hooks.

Learn: Events and event-driven programming, Event Subscribers, Event Dispatchers

Day 7: Building a Drupal 8 module using the Drupal Console

In days 1 to 6, everything has been my hand. This is the best way to learn what is really going on. However, once you gain a certain level of understanding, you can really on a very important tool to create a lot of the scaffolding code for you: The Drupal Console

Learn: Drupal Console

Bonus Guides

In-depth guides to cement your understanding. The guides currently cover the blocks systems, menu system, admin forms, hooks, interfaces and abstract classes.

Feedback for my Drupal 8 starter course and tutorials

“Excellent course and hands on materials for learning Drupal 8. Great effort from your side , please keep continue sending more course materials. Thanks a lot from the heart”
“This is one of the best Drupal 8 tutorials I have come across. Very clear and concise. Looking forward to purchasing the D8 module development book”

Testimonials for my Drupal 7 book

“..It leaves the reader who starts with a little PHP feeling far more confident about tackling programming jobs in Drupal.”
“.. you've come up with excellent idea by using the one of truly brilliant approaches to teach as well as explain the Drupal mod-development fundamentals.”

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